The time is always right to do what is right. ~ Martin Luther King
My name is Suzzanna Tanner and I announce my candidacy for President of the United States of America.
Personal Background
I was born and raised in Washington State until I moved to Wyoming in 1998. I graduated high school in 2000 before traveling to Texas. After school and traveling, I decided to move back to Washington State and have lived here since 2014. I have been homeless multiple times. I have had housing and stability. I have created and relieved my own debt. The most important part? I have taken part in our government and our economy. I speak with citizens, review legislation, and cast my vote. I have also communicated with each president from Bill Clinton to Joe Biden with one exception. I respond to government posts on social media. I also produce YouTube videos and posts with interpretations of our constitution and laws. I believe in our Constitution, and I believe that WE, THE PEOPLE, ARE THE GOVERNMENT.
Work Experience
My first position was as a babysitter in 1997 and my first customer service position was with McDonalds in 1999. My first management position was during 2001 at CW’s III tobacco store. Since then, I have obtained various positions in industries that range from fast food and restaurant to retail, warehouse, and production. I have also held management positions at Family Dollar and 7-Eleven. These positions have allowed me to regularly interact with our citizens on a variety of topics.
Community Service
I decided early on that I want to serve our nation through volunteering and in 1997 the Head Start I attended provided my first volunteer position. In 1998, I began volunteering at the annual 3-on-3 basketball tournaments held locally in Wyoming. Volunteering for trash clean-up started there and I continue this work regularly. In 2005 I started to provide peer support and peer counseling for persons of all ages. I continue to counsel through in-person meetings and on apps like Reddit. I am excited about the potential to expand mental health services using technology such as Reddit and will expand those opportunities through my comprehensive National Health Care Act.
Policy Plans – United States
Throughout the years I have communicated with our citizens and learned that Americans are tired of the path our nation is currently on. People want positive change that includes livability, sustainability, responsibility, reasonability, safety, and practicality. The National Recovery Act I propose addresses all these aspects. It is affordable through the National Tax Adjustment Act. The National Recovery Act includes multiple bills such as:
1. The Border Patrol and Immigration Reform Act
2. National Health Care Act
3. National Education Act
4. National Climate Clean-Up Act
5. National Financial Adjustment Act
The Border Patrol and Immigration Reform Act protects our borders with personnel and technology. It establishes procedures for reducing the flow of migrants into the United States and authorizes closing the border temporarily. This Act increases penalties for illegal border crossings and other criminal activity. My plan revises the current intake and monitoring procedures for asylum seekers by providing a fast track to citizenship through national employment opportunities.
The National Health Care Act addresses a variety of issues like access to health care and medication. This act amends the Constitution to guarantee health care for all and is affordable through the National Tax Adjustment Act I propose. It prioritizes the needs of the patient. I propose using staffing apps for medical professionals such as nurses and doctors to fill employment gaps while addressing minimum staffing levels. It provides financial relief to hospitals, staff, and patients. And it will include access to homeopathic or naturopathic treatments in addition to standard treatment. There are many qualified professionals who will now be able to provide alternatives alongside the excellent traditional medical treatment available in our country. The National Health Care Act will improve the health of our nation.
The National Education Act sets up the United States National Education System. It establishes a baseline minimum salary appropriate for the excellence of our professional educators and increases current wages to above $75,000. It provides meals for students as well as after school and summer programs. All of this paid for through the National Tax Adjustment Act I propose.
Our nation is becoming more polluted by the day, and it is having a violently negative impact on our environment. We see this with the increase in temperatures, storms, and other phenomena that are occurring within our own nation and around the world. The National Climate Clean-Up Act amends the Constitution to guarantee the right to a clean environment. This act also enforces already existing laws. It increases penalties for big polluters who refuse to reduce their pollution output. Technological development will treat land, air, and sea pollution. This act authorizes us to develop and build aircraft that can pull methane and other pollutants directly from the air. It ensures that all Americans have access to clean water. It provides a path to reducing fire season outbreaks. It provides a path to clean, sustainable energy. It introduces a pollution tax, and it is affordable through the National Tax Adjustment Act.
President Bill Clinton said, “Everything has to be paid for.” Everything I propose is affordable through the National Tax Adjustment Act. This act restructures the tax brackets into an income ladder structure with low tax rates up to $200,000 and then becomes a flat tax of 20%. This is close to a fair-share tax system and the income it generates covers all the programs we need to fund. Climate-based tax breaks ensure pollution clean-up in our nation is funded. This will also reduce the tax percent of every income level as pollution is reduced to near zero. This act also addresses economic issues like inflation and price gouging while helping areas of our nation recover from disasters. It also guarantees programs like Social Security, education, and health care. These programs will be off-limits to fund other government spending.
Foreign policy
I am proud to be a part of the NATO alliance. I support honoring our NATO agreement. Trade is essential to our world and national economies, so I support reducing tariffs on imported goods. I support condemning the actions of Putin and Hamas. I support resolving these conflicts now because this is what the people want.
We, the people, are the government. It is time to move beyond partisan politics and focus on effective governance. As president, I will direct the necessary changes, but our nation will benefit more from your participation. Together, we will protect the people’s rights and solidify a path to a successful democracy. Please join me in creating a better nation for all of us. Please cast your vote for me as a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America.
Thank you for your time and may our path lead to peace and prosperity.